Welcome to The Life of Felicia Hom

Currently revamping for the Internet audience's pleasure!

A Short Screenshot of my Acting

Acting is one of my long-neglected childhood passions and dreams and I have only recently come to resurrect it.

A Brief Glimpse of my Journey around the World

I've been to over a dozen different countries and traveled mostly by myself. It was one of the most enriching and independent experiences of my life. Above is Cesky Krumlov.

I Ain't Gonna Live Forever!

Here is my inaugural intro post, posted in December 2010. I have since moved back to Los Angeles.

Acting Is my Long Lost Love

Or so I wrote back in October 2010. Pictured above is me as Titania, in rehearsal for BITE's Shakespeare Reveries.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

End of 2013, Hello 2014!

I've been meaning to post an end of 2013 wrap-up, but alas it seems 2014 has already arrived!

Very quickly, in 2013 - I had my semi-national theatrical debut with Ghost Team One, a crude and sometimes racist comedy! (I don't condone L+R Asian humor, so this is your disclaimer that it shows up.) I play the ghost Lady Azalea. The film debuted at the Slamdance Film Festival and then had a limited theatrical release across the country in October. Really cool and exciting to know that I was briefly gracing the movie screens in the likes of New York, Boston, Miami, Orlando, Dallas, Seattle, Philadelphia, Chicago, Phoenix and my hometown San Francisco! Check the movie out! :) It's available on Amazon for digital rental and purchase.

Then, in the holiday season late December I became ill and delirious and one-shot filmed my latest installment of FEFE TIME. I have all of 83 glorious views at the moment in my rather lame and brief holiday wish to you. Remember that your health is #1 in life! And yes, that is Mechagodzilla and not Robogodzilla.

Happy New Year to all! May we all have good health this year. We actually just ordered two large pizzas so we didn't ring it in too healthily. 

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